we are often asked about getting a job in the vineyards
Here are a few suggestions:
You can email through CVs / contact details etc to mail@winetasmania.net.au - details are included in the classified section of their monthly e-newsletter
View info on the Tasmanian Government harvest trail webpage - https://nre.tas.gov.au/agriculture/multifaceted-agriculture/harvest-jobs
View jobs on the Australian Government harvest trail webpage - https://jobsearch.gov.au/harvest/search
View jobs on Wine Industry Jobs - https://www.wineindustryjobs.com.au/ (there's a section on vintage/harvest jobs) and Wine Jobs - https://www.winejobs.com.au/
Contact individual wine businesses directly, particularly as we get closer to vintage starting (March-May) - if vineyards are looking for workers, they will probably welcome direct contact.
A list of many of the vineyards by area is available here - https://winetasmania.com.au/members-of-wine-tasmania-by-area or www.tamarvalleywine.com.au/vineyards