Discover Tamar Valley Wine
Stretching from Relbia in the South to Pipers River in the North East and Beaconsfield to the North West, we have created a Wine Route which is both a holiday and recreation destination in its own right. Follow the yellow and blue signs to discover cellar doors spread over 170km around the Tamar Valley.
Unlike some of the larger Australian wine regions, most of our vineyards are boutique, which means you are very likely to be meeting the people behind the wine, and hearing stories straight from the source.
Pure in quality, rich in character, friendly and most of all unforgettable. This is Tamar Valley Wine. We are what we drink!
Tassie is Australia’s best kept secret! SO many amazing nooks and crannies to discover.
The Tamar River/kanamaluka defines the heart of our Valley with its generous life-giving waterways. Its long, lazy bends meander 65 kilometres, from the bustling city of Launceston around hills and plains, bush and wide sandy beaches at its mouth.
Fed by the fresh, flushing waters of the North and South Esk Rivers, kanamaluka has created a glorious fertile valley of high-yielding vineyards, famous for chardonnay, sparkling, aromatic whites and pinot noir.
Follow the yellow and blue signs to discover our cellar doors spread over 170km around the Tamar Valley.
Situated in the north of Tasmania at a latitude of around 42 degrees south, the Tamar Valley shares the same cool climate characteristics of Burgundy, France – equally renown for producing world-class wine.
Very few areas of the world exist in this exclusive cool climate zone – distinguishable as the ideal location for the production of superior quality fresh produce. What does all this mean? For you – the visitor to our lovely valley – it means wines of distinction lovingly made in harmony with how nature intended.
Any time of the year is a good time to visit. Like our wines, the gentle turning seasons each boast their unique qualities. We grow, we pick, we prune and plant allowing Tasmania’s friendly cool climate to dictate the pace.
Our harvest takes place in March & April followed by pruning over winter, then budburst in September kicks off the growing season again.
*Terroir* is a French word that refers to how the general characteristics of a specific location can influence the taste and quality of something as delicate and exciting as wine.
The Tamar Valley is naturally blessed with one of the purest environments in the world. Our pristine air and fresh, cool climate encourage a love affair with terroir or our sense of place.
Open a conversation with our winemakers and they will tell you of the valley’s *terroir* – the unique characteristics of the soil we grow in. Vastly different even from the sea to the slopes, the valley’s unifying characteristic is the rich and fertile soil, blessed with gentle rains that sweep in from the west, straight off the vast expanse of the wild Southern Ocean.
*Terroir* also describes the idea that good wine cannot be simply reproduced anywhere in the world with grapes and a standard set of agricultural practices. It’s the whole picture – soil type, sun exposure, altitude, weather, technique, passion and commitment.
Wine lovers and winemakers alike will tell you that *terroir* is the very essence of wine and in the Tamar Valley we have *terroir* in abundance.